Tuesday, August 11, 2009


TLE I have learned many things. Just like the useful uses of the computer in our community.And also all the thing about it just like the first computer, the first one who use the internet,and the how to use it to show the thing that I've been learning in it.
But then there are many problem that enter while I'm entering the world of internet.There are many terms to be understand in using it.The uses of so many thing to be more updated in the world of this internet.
But even then I know I did my best to face this problem that keeping me away in this wonderful world of internet.I did every thing I know to update the new uses of this so called internet. I study hard even I did not give all of my best but I make sure that I did my best for it.
So that I will learn every thing I'll keep on studying it.I will be updated in every thing that is new in it.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Speaking in the right way is the best way of communication to others. It does't matter who and what you are if you cancommunicate with others you will understand one another.
English and Filipino are the two common langauge in our country that are being use of us.But many of us are getting pooreand poorer in speaking English and Filipino.Because of poor practice of speaking English and Filipino. Because we have been using our own dialec in speaking in our place.we should try use English and Filipino in communicating to othersto practice speaking thes langauges and to understand each one of us.
Now start speaking Englishand Filipino to practice good and properway of communication so that we can have peace in our world.